Wednesday 21 December 2011

Herbalife Festive Shake

Right so a few weeks ago i was given the opportunity to try a diet shake, anyone who knows me knows i am always calorie counting, watching what i eat and generally giving myself a hard time. It is Christmas after all and a girl including me deserves a break .. well i do .. don't i?

Now i have tried my fair share of diets, the latest ones to hit the market etc but i have never heard of this brand so it intrigued me even more.

I'm a sucker for mince pies, Christmas cake and anything fattening and festive,
so as you can imagine I'm pretty much locked into a head to head battle with my common sense (loosing weight) and my desire to eat anything and everything in sight (putting on weight).

The Herbalife Shake comes in a few flavours but i got to try the Festive flavour YUM - Toffee apple and cinnamon -

I started the challenge on Sunday December 11th i have been having 2 shakes a day (breakfast & lunch) and following it up with a sneaky biscuit and a healthy dinner.

I Started off at 12stone 5lbs and on weighing myself today i am now 11stone 12.5lbs

For a grand total weight loss of 6.5lbs nearly half a stone! 

I can fit back into a pair of jeans my butt has alludes for the past 6 months and this makes me a happy girl.

The shake was super easy i used a blender to make mine you use 250ml of semi skimmed (i used skimmed) milk and add 2 table spoons of the mix and blend.

The best way for me to describe the flavour is mince pie YUM i really love it, and would buy it again.

Right to the nitty gritty the container which is 550g makes approx 21 meals, the first 4 days were hard i had to sub my lunch and have a low calorie soup with the shake as i was pretty hungry.

Its not Cheap either its £27.60 a container, but if you break it down its pretty good value for money and works out £1.31 a meal.

After working the break down out im even more tempted to buy another container as i probable spend more on food!

I have only been using it for a short amount of time but have lost nearly half a stone and I'm not through the container yet, i am contemplating buying another one. My concern would lie in what happens when you go back to food for breakfast and lunch? as I'm not there yet i couldn't tell you, i may follow this up with an after post.

For the short term its great I'm getting into a pretty dress tonight for capital Fm's Christmas party and i couldn't be happier, for the long term the jury is still out and will be until i can afford another container.

For supplier details please call 0845 056 0606 and for further information on Herbalife Formula 1 Weight Management products please visit Find your nearest weight loss challenge at

Contact Me!


  1. Wow, well done! Sounds great :) xxxxxxxxxx

  2. really good shake i have ordered another bottle hehe !

  3. How good is it to Lose Weight and Feel Great at the same time. Find out more at

  4. Fantastic result, I love the yummy Xmas shake too. Of course you can buy another formula 1 shake - try different flavours as you said £1.31 a meal is cheap a cheap meal !

  5. i went and brought another shake same flavour, back on it and again im still pleased with the results great product :D

  6. This is a really encouraging post as for the first part of my diet I just want to fit back into a pair of skinny jeans and now know this is doable in even 2 weeks and then I know I will feel so much better!

    Thanks for the review :) not sure if I'm even going to try shakes again but you have definitely encourage me with your own weight loss. :)

    Fee x

  7. thanks hun, there will be a follow on post from this one coming soon x

  8. Made this and it was yummy! Always in search for a tasty and healthy smoothie! Thanks for sharing!! protein shake review
