Friday 1 January 2016

LIFESTYLE: 2015 in review.

Ok so for reflection I am happy to say 2015 is finally over ..... Yes OVER! 

I was jumping for joy and beyond emotional at midnight because I couldn't wait to see the back of it, a year filled with tears, bad decisions, anxiety and impending fears. Now I know that may sound a little over kill but soon I will be able to share a little more with you about what the Bradley's have actually been facing. 

The most known one was me being diagnosed disabled with spinal nerve damage and fibromialga, my year has been a everyday battle with my own body but Iv not let it stop me going back to college and am now in my second year of beauty therapy and I finally know what I can physically cope with and where I can go with a career. PHEW

I have removed people from my life which I now realise we're there for a short time for a reason, but not people I want to spend my future with. I have amazing old/new friends who have been amazing rocks for me not judged me and supported me unconditionally without making me feel like a shit person for going through more shit than I could handle alone. 

I am truly blessed to have a loving (grumpy) husband who knows me and sticks with me through everything regardless. 

Iv learnt many lessons on 2015 and I will not repeat my mistakes. 

I have the most beautiful daughter who amazes me every day and even though we lost a baby in 2015 I still have Autumn.  

We're not homeless! It was touch and go and terrifying to be honest just before Christmas to fear being on the streets or a b&b with a toddler. 

We have a home and I am thankful for everyone who helped me stay said during that time. 

So 2015 you sucked but 2016 I am going to write an amazing 365 day story.