Thursday 15 August 2013

Get Frutti with denman

Im actually in LOVE with these brushes, I may well be in my late 20's however I would give my right arm to have one of these in my handbag!
They are totally cute!
The Denman Tutti Frutti Brushes comes in Green Apple; Wild Dewberry; Strawberry Shortcake; Lemon Sherbet and Orange Tango to suit your preference.
I personally and stuck between Strawberry and Apple Mmmmm Yummy!
Its the classic style D3 brush which is an awesome brush, any hair length is suitable for its use and do you know what the absolute best thing is THEY SMELL! you read that right they smell so with this in mind im an apple girl .... and it wont transfer to your hair so you wont have a fragrance clash so that's that crisis averted!
get your gorgeous mits on them from
they are £7.49! so what you waiting for type or copy in their web address and get ordering
Love Aimee

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