Saturday 30 July 2016

WISHLIST: Pretty Little Things #1

I have a secret obsession for going on this website and just adding items to my basket in the hopes one day I can arrows to buy the occasional item from it. 

They have a massive selection from affordable to expensive and from trendy and classy to slutty and eccentric. 

I love every piece they offer even when I can't see myself wearing it. 

They have quick delivery and are ALWAYS doing special offers be it % off or free / discounted next day shipping. 

I'm between sizes and their trousers are my top item in my lost they have a stretch to them and are comfortable and look far more expensive than they are. 

I wanted to share my wish list with you. 

They have a search so you won't be looking long if anything on my hot lost takes your fancy. 

Love your thoughts on my choices ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

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