Thursday 20 November 2014

Where did the glam go

Being a mum is hard and this is a slightly off topic post for my blog and I am testing the waters. 

Before I was a mum and just Aimee the girlfriend or wife I found it easier to be sexy, make an effort and want to be found sexy. 

I had a huge lingerie obsession, and spent my time wanting to make my husband want me, love me and see me as sexy. 

Well having a child and all the other issues life throws at you really puts certain things on the back burner. 

After watching the sexy tape movie which I highly recommend I sat there and realised that was me. (Not making the sex tape FYI) but getting in a unsexy exhausted rut. 

Finding time to brush my hair let alone straighten it is a struggle, my daughter is dressed fed and watered, looks gorgeous and presentable I on the other hand look like I slept in a bush in the back garden. 

Suddenly being effortlessly beautiful is more effort that I realised. 

Marriage is bloody hard, being a friend is hard and being a mum I can honestly say I was never prepared for what what it is like. 

My daughter is my world and I wouldn't change it but there are things I'm longing for and miss (not being bogged down by dirty or clean laundry) or spending adult time with my husband. 

So are there any other mums out there that feel the same? I can't be alone.

Love Aimee. 


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