Sunday 9 November 2014

Homedics Elle Macpherson aromatherapy foot spa review

Tired mums need down time and this bad boy gives me that. 
It's worth every peny spent and with the winter months coming in your feet do not need to be forgotten about, in fact they need even more care so when summer pops on round they are summer ready. 

This is what Sunday nights are made for, babies, toddlers and little ones tucked in bed wine in hand and feet being pampered. 

It has so many amazing relaxing functions it's a worthwhile investment. 

It boasts hydro and vibration massage, aromatherapy, magnetic therapy and light. A keep warm function, led mood lightening, double bubbles and pedicure attachments. 

It truly helps to being you the spa experience to your home. 

It's £74.99 and available to buy HERE

I use it weekly if I have te chance 

Love Aimee 



  1. This looks good! I've never used anything like this before x

  2. looks like heaven for your feet. Great post

  3. feet are the most used body parts and so nerves and muscles of feet become fatigue after a long active day. So in this case a good foot spa relax your feet and you may able to feel refresh and re-energized. Visit us to know more about foot spa benefits .

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So, there is no doubt that they will surely ache at some point of time. SHIATSU THERAPY
